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Cleaning Description

Client: Residential & Office Location: London

Steam cleaning is also known as the hot water extraction method and is used for deep cleaning. It can remove 97% of bacteria, dirt, and stains. It is the only method to reach the deepest layer of your carpet and clean it thoroughly. So if your carpet has deep and stubborn stains, steam cleaning should be your method of choice. With steam cleaning, boiling water is sprayed which helps loosen dirt. It is then all sucked back by specially designed machines/vacuum to completely remove moisture from the carpet, rugs, and upholstery; otherwise, the humidity will facilitate bacteria growth. These methods need a lot more time compared to other methods. It can take anywhere from 45 minutes to a few hours depending on the surface to be steam. Your booking needs to take this into account.

The Challenges

No one can doubt that clean upholstery and carpets contribute highly to a healthy and sparkling home.
Brushing and vacuuming your carpets and rugs every other day, or every week will not gi you the truly healthier and deep-rooted cleaning that you want. It is therefore recommended to get it cleaned by experienced cleaners twice a year.

Brakena Cleaning Services can bring you both the professional cleaners and our steaming and chemical cleaning options.

Please call 0203 659 4412 or request a quick and easy quote using our quote form here.